relationship above religion
who we are
A few words about us
Welcome to Grace Church. Thank you for visiting our website.
Grace Community Church came into being as a result of its founder, Pastor Clifford Rutter, having a deep desire to do something really significant for the Lord Jesus Christ who had called him into ministry.
The church doors opened for the first time in the community of Thornton on the Cape Peninsula, on Sunday 5 March 2000 in a small outside classroom of the Western Province Technical College, under the auspices of the Assembly of God Group – South Africa. The small group of core members, 12 in all, was joined by a number of visitors who came to support the beginnings of a new church. That first service produced our first convert to Christ.
During the first two years the church saw rapid expansion necessitating a move from the classroom to the College Hall and finally to the NG church Hall.
Our mission is to intentionally impact people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and our vision is to build a church where relationship is above religion. “Where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad you came.”
We invite you to come on a journey with us as we explore doing church differently, based on our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and with each other. We are a church reflecting a transforming nation.
Love & Grace
Pastor Cliff & Bev Rutter

To intentionally
impact people into
a relationship
with Jesus Christ
To build a
church where
relationship is
above religion

who we are
Expectant and core values
Expect … to be welcomed as you are. Our dress code is casual and our worship style is contemporary with a variety of expressions of worship. Feel free to express yourself to God with passion or worship quietly. Sing along or watch and listen as you explore what a relationship with Jesus means.
Expect … to be encouraged and challenged by a message based on God’s Word, shared by someone living in the same rough and tumble world you live in.
Expect … to meet some new friends. People making GraceChurch what it is. Whatever you’re experiencing in life, chances are some you see here have been there, done that and could compare notes with you.
Expect … to be loved. It’s a fact of life that when we meet people for the first time, we either leave them a little better or a little worse … but we never leave them the same. Our desire is that when you head home you’ll be better for having spent the time at GraceChurch.
Connect – your relationship to God.
We offer you the opportunity to experience a vibrant relationship with God as we seek to love God and others by following the commands of Christ.
Sunday morning and evening worship is designed to provide expression and instruction in connecting to God and others.
Engage – takes place as we “do life together” in Link Groups where we learn to share in the victories an challenges of life together. It’s here that we laugh a lot, play a lot, pray a lot and care a lot for each other.
Impact – has to do with you, extending your influence. Impact is about helping you learn to use your gifts, talents and life experiences to make a difference in someone else’s life.